Tuesday, March 27, 2012

April trip

We are planning another trip to Oregon in early April.  We are anxious to get up there and see the progress that A-1 has made to clear the land. 

As usual, we have several goals for the weekend:
- Meet with A-1 Logging to review the land clearing progress and discuss options for the road
- Meet with vineyard managers: We are looking for a new vineyard manager.  We had planned to work with Simon, but this fell through.  Now we need to start our search again.  It is important that we have someone selected by this summer because there are a few things to happen to prepare for planting in spring 2013.
- Meet with Eco-fab regarding a shed to house the water tank and equipment

Aside from the land development, we have been thinking about names for our label.  This is a big decision that will stick with us for years to come.  We decided on Old Wagon Road Vineyard for the vineyard name since our property is at the end of Old Wagon Road - easy pick.  The label name is a bit harder.  So far, Wagon Ridge is the leading options.  We have also considered Coastal Vale and Rivet Ridge.  We are open to suggestions if you have any ideas.

I will post another update after our trip.  We have a longer trip planned in May, as well.