Sunday, October 14, 2012

October 2012

We decided to make the journey back up to the lot one last time this fall.  We headed up to Carlton in early October.  I had expected the rain to be in full force, but it was still dry in the area.  It was a pleasant fall weekend in Oregon wine country.

We did not have big plans for the weekend.  We were interested in seeing the vineyard area after the final round of stick picking.  The plan was to finish the stick picking and then get various fertilizers put down before seeding the cover crop.  Our vineyard manager has been working on the site and told us everything would be done within a few days.  The rain would start soon and it is important to get the cover crop down before it starts raining.

The north facing hill, our primary planting area, looks great.  The land has little or no debris left on it and the soil is a soft powder.  The cover crop will protect the soil over the wet winter and we will be ready to plant the first vines in spring!

We spent some time looking for water on the lot.  This is the driest time of year.  If there are any wet spots, it is likely we could use them for water throughout the year.

There is an area on the property that we have not done much with yet.  The area has a lot of growth, both trees and brush.  We have found water in this area on each of our trips.  This trip was no different; we found some lingering water in the pond.  We also found a small stream in the area.  This is an area that could provide an additional water source for the house.

Unfortunately, Chris had to do some repair work on the well setup.  The pipe that runs from the well to the tank had broken from the weight of the soil as it settled.  It took almost all day, but Chris changed out the parts to fix the break.  We added extra support in the damaged area to avoid this problem in the future.

Everything is ready for winter.  Our vineyard manager will keep an eye on it for us and we will go up in spring for the planting.