Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We are enjoying some very good weather for October in the Willamette Valley.  It has been fairly warm and dry.  It is perfect weather to finish up some tasks on the vineyard.

We spent some time last weekend planting a couple hundred Gewurztraminer vines.  Normally I let Chris handle the manual labor, but I got my hands dirty and helped out with the planting.  We were lucky enough to recruit Johnny and Sammy again.  Johnny was a great help...Sammy was still a dog.

We had purchased these vines a while ago and they were stored away until we could plant them.  Unfortunately, some of the vines did not do so well.  We had about a 30% loss rate.  The good vines were planted in the north west corner of the property.  It is hard to see them in this picture, but trust me, they are there.

Here is an updated shot of the vines we planted a couple of weeks ago.  They are not doing much right now, but come spring, they should be more active.

If you have been reading the blog for a while, you know that one major challenge is the access.  We currently access the property via an easement through our neighbor's property.  The area we have to cross is used as a horse pasture; the gates on each side and the horses in the road make this a less than ideal path.

A while ago, we found that there is an old county road that we could finish that would make our access much easier.  We have finally started on this work!  I will post some pictures when I get them.

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